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Consider us as a department
within your business.

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Day-to-day accounting in line with the guidelines of the Norwegian Tax Administration, carried out by a team of experienced accountants.

Regular reports and ongoing analysis showing the financial situation of your business. Create income and expenditure plans, set budgets and keep costs under control with our accounting reports.

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Personnel and payroll management

Regulations pertaining to payroll accounting are ever-changing. For those of you who are busy running your own business, it can be hard to constantly broaden your knowledge in the field and keep up to date with all the changes. That is why you can simply let us handle the whole process - we manage your payroll using a system that is integrated with your accounting.

Our offer

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Registration of economic entities

A comprehensive service for planning, implementing and registering new business entities. Our experts will advise you on which organisation form to choose for your business in Norway, adjust it to the specifics of the planned activity, as well as indicate the tax-related aspects of its operation.

We can provide you with the necessary documentation for the registration of all types of businesses:

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For those with a tight schedule that wish for an AS, we offer you a completed and finished AS, also known as a “shelf-company”.

You get to buy a registered company with an organizational number. After the purchase has been completed, you open up a business account. In addition, we also offer you a client account available for a short period. If you are interested, contact us at:

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Services offered to foreign companies in Norway

Professional and prompt service in Norwegian, English, Ukrainian, Latvian, Russian, Greek, German, Turkish and Polish, comprising tax consultancy, support in business negotiations, and handling of corporate processes for foreign entities operating or considering starting a business in the Norwegian market.

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Scanning centre and online accounting

The scanning centre with the function of viewing the documents stored in a virtual database is a solution that significantly facilitates your work. Moreover, online accounting provides you with full access to all your financial documents.

The Uni Economy accounting system is based on the state-of-the-art technology, with a powerful and robust "engine" under the bonnet. Thanks to the adaptable and flexible structure of the system, you can be sure that this solution will overcome the challenges encountered. With Uni Economy, your company will always be well-prepared.

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Business and tax consulting services

Consulting services for existing businesses, as well as for natural persons who are considering setting up their own business. With our extensive knowledge, creativity and network of contacts, we come up with new solutions and support the process of your business development at all times.

As your accountant, we will help you choose the best accounting system for your business and show you how to use it.

DnB Regnskap

Rödl & Partner Accounting AS is a certified partner and professional user of DNB Regnskap, with a great experience in use of the system.

Together with the bank and with us, you will work in a cloud-based accounting system, which will enable you to do the tasks that You feel comfortable with on your own, and leave the more complicated tasks to us.

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Debt collection

You will now be able to get access to a portal which can be used to send over case files that are 14 days overdue. Intrum takes care of payment reminders and requests until the money is back in the account.

The service costs NOK 1500,- only and is set up for our customers’ needs. You pay NOK 0 per case and can send in an unlimited number of cases.

If a payment is more than 60 days overdue, Intrum will take an 8% fee.

Please confirm whether you consent to setting up the service. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.!

We present our trusted partner, Proff Forvalt.

Proff Forvalt is our reliable provider of credit information in Norway.

Proff Forvalt is Proff AS’s focus area within credit and accounting information. It has been in the market since 1991, and is firmly established as a reliable and serious partner for the Norwegian business and public sector.

Who are we?
Proff Forvalt is associated with the Proff® brand, owned by Proff AS. Prof AS is a sister company owned entirely by Enento Group. Proff Forvalt provides updated credit and market information.

Proff AS  | Part of Enento Group

Visiting address: Langkaia 1 | 0150 Oslo, Norway